Saint Angela Mereci

This week’s Saint of the Week is Saint Angela Merici who was born in Italy in 1474. Orphaned at age 15, Angela and her older sister were sent away from their home town to be raised by an uncle. Angela’s uncle died when she was 20, causing her to go back to her hometown where she found her life’s vocation, the education of poor, young girls.

In 1524, St. Angela embarked on a pilgrimage to the Holy land. While en route, she was inexplicably struck blind on the island of Crete. Angela completed the pilgrimage, regardless. On the way back home, while praying in front of a crucifix, at the same place she lost her sight, it was suddenly restored!

St. Angela founded a community of lay women called the Company of St. Ursuline, now known as the Ursulines. They consecrated themselves to God and remained celibate, but lived and worked in society. Initially founded with 12 women who shared her passion for educating young girls; there were 24 communities of Ursulines by the time Angela died in 1540. The Ursulines are one of the largest and most respected teaching orders serving the Church today.

Feast day: Monday January 27th

Patron of: The sick, the handicapped and orphans.

Prayer to St. Angela Merici:

Saint Angela, you were not afraid of change. You did not let stereotypes keep you from serving.
Help us to overcome our fear of change in order to follow God’s call and allow others to follow theirs. Amen.

Saint Angela Merici, pray for us!

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