Saint’s Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemas

This week’s Saints of the Week are Saint’s Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemas, both atypical of the followers of Jesus who, for the most part, were comprised of those relegated to the margins of society, tax collectors, prostitutes, fisherman and soldiers.  In contrast, Saint Joseph of Arimathea was a wealthy merchant who boldly petitioned Pontius Pilate for Jesus’ following his death on the cross and provided the tomb and linens for his burial.   Saint Nicodemas was a leading Pharisee who secretly followed Jesus and tried to defend him in the mock trail before the High Priest Caiaphas and provided the oils to prepare our Lord’s body for burial. The actions and examples of both of these Saints should give us the courage to boldly follow our Lord despite worldly pressure to stay on the sidelines. 

Patron Saint of: Funeral Directors, Pallbearers

Feast Day:  August 31st

Prayer to Saint Joseph of Arimathea

Dear Lord Jesus, we pray for the intercession and guidance of Saint Joseph of Arimathea, that we will we see clearly as he did and not be spiritually blind as so many of his brethren were. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Nicodemus

Merciful God, whose servant Nicodemus was a secret disciple of Christ, meeting him by night to avoid the wrath of the other members of the Sanhedrin, and eventually spoke out to that body to remind them that Jesus had a right to a hearing and with reverence and godly fear prepared the body of our Lord and Savior for burial, and laid it in his own tomb: Grant to us, your faithful people, grace and courage to love and serve Jesus with sincere devotion all the days of our life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Ghost, one God, for ever and ever.

Saints Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemas, pray for us!


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